Boosted odds

In betting, it is the odds that determine how much you will win in the end. It follows that higher odds will result in bigger winnings. Whereas betting odds are generally within a particular range, bookmakers sometimes decide to increase the odds offered considerably above the market levels. This is referred to as odds boost or enhanced odds. It is meant to reward you with much higher winnings when you bet on the selected matches. Punters take advantage to bet on matches with odds boost in order to win much more than they could have with normal odds.

In this article, we explain about odds boost under the following:

Find enhanced odds offers for any day you desire at bookmakers listed below:

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Which bookmakers offer Odds Boost

Bookmakers will always have different odds boost offers from time to time. This could be just one game or matchday, or it could be a regular, ongoing offer for months or years. Our page will always post the latest boosted odds tips. You can also find plenty of bet suggestions on our dedicated football prediction page for the most popular soccer Leagues. Here is a look at some of the most popular enhanced odds offers:

Betway Odds Boost

Betway is a highly popular bookmaker that is known for its excellent offerings, including enhanced odds offers. The bookmaker offers boosted odds for new customers from time to time. Furthermore, they also have boosted odds for regular customers running on a daily basis. The popular matches of the day will have some markets with enhanced odds covering a wide range of leagues and competitions. You can place the enhanced offer also as a solo prediction.

Betking Odds Boost

Betking is an African-based bookmaker known for its great offers and rewards for customers. The offer boosted odds for both single bets and accumulator bets on a daily basis, mostly for the popular football matches of the day. These cover a wide range of leagues and competitions.

Paripesa Enhanced Specials

Paripesa is an international bookmaker with a license from the Government of Curacao. In Africa, the bookmaker is licensed to operate in Nigeria. Their enhanced daily specials provide several accumulators with enhanced odds. The accumulators comprise the day’s top matches from different leagues and competitions.

BC.Game Odds Boost

BC Game is primarily known as an online casino and gaming website but they have recently introduced a sportsbook. Their sports betting offer is among the best in the market with a wide range of sports categories and betting markets.. Part of this includes the odds boost component. You can now get enhanced odds on selected matches on BC.Game.

Premierbet Odds Boost

Premierbet has been consistently offering betting enhanced odds for both select single matches and accumulators on its platform. They also have special boosted odds for big matchdays like Champions League or Africa Cup of Nations. As a sponsor of AC Milan and Benfica, Premierbet will also offer boosted odds for matches involving these teams.

Bet365 Bet Boost

Bet365 is a highly-popular international bookmaker with a presence in several African countries. Their bet boost offer covers matches from several popular sports, including football, tennis, and basketball. The boosted odds are available for both single bets and accumulators

Betbonanza enhanced odds

Betbonanza captured the market with their boosted odds offer for new customers that they introduced a couple of years ago. If you signed up for a new account, you would get a chance to bet on a selected match with enhanced odds to give you much greater wins. The offer has since expired, but it represents a good example of how bookmakers use odds boost to attract new customers to sign up.Nonetheless, Betbonanza offer other great promotions you can capitalize on, therefore we recommend you to try out their service.


What is Odds Boost?

Odds Boost refers to offers from bookmakers that have higher than normal odds for a given event, market, or betting line. They are also called boosted odds or enhanced odds as their value is set considerably higher than the normal market range for the same odds. When you bet on boosted odds, you win much greater returns because the odds are higher.

Boosted odds are offered by bookmakers to attract new customers or to encourage existing customers to bet on certain markets. Enhanced odds are offered for both single events and accumulators. You will find bookies enhanced odds for some of the most popular or high-interest matches. The offers generally last until before kickoff of the boosted event. In this page, we highlight the best enhanced odds and other price boost offers that you can bet on. You can also find the latest Football predictions on our homepage! Follow the link to read our free betting tips for today

Types of Odds Boost

You will come across many different boosted odds offers because each bookmaker tailors their own offer in terms of the teams, odds, and conditions. Nevertheless, there are general categories of enhanced bets under which different offers can be grouped. We have tried to explain the most common below:

Boosted Odds for New Customers

Bookmakers may offer boosted odds to entice new customers to sign up with them so that they can take advantage of the considerably high odds. The bookmakers typically select popular matches on a matchday when they know there is high interest from fans and potential customers. Regular customers are not usually eligible for this offer, but the bookmaker may have other offers and rewards for them. Enhanced odds for new customers is usually a time-limited offer in most cases.

Price Boost

A price boost is a form of odds boost offered by bookmakers to encourage increased betting on a particular event or betting line. The offer is usually open to both new and regular customers and enables the bookie to attract some customers who would otherwise bet on the event with other bookmakers. In order to spike the betting activity, price boosts are typically offered less than 24 hours before kickoff. Betting customers are known to rush for such offers and will always be on the look out if they know of bookmakers with such offers. Price boost is sometimes referred to as price rush due to the frenzied betting that it is supposed to trigger.

Build Your Own Odds

With this offer, the bookmaker allows you to select your single bet or accumulator whose odds you want boosted. The bookmaker will give you considerably higher odds for that bet so that you are able to enjoy bigger wins. Customers love this offer because you get to select the best markets you think you are most likely to win, rather than having to bet on a pre-selected event like with other offers. You also get some control over the prices that you bet on. Some boost your own odds offers may have conditions attached to the type of bets you can choose for the offer, such as leagues, minimum odds, or number of legs.

Price Matching

With this offer, your bookmaker is trying to ensure they give you the highest possible odds available in the market for selected events or markets. This involves comparing odds offered in the market by a wide range of bookmakers. If there are higher odds offered elsewhere, your bookmaker will match these odds so that you bet on the highest available odds. Price matching is designed to ensure you do not leave your bookmaker to bet on higher odds at other betting sites.

Price Promises

This refers to offers where the bookmaker guarantees customers will have the highest price or odds on selected events of markets for a short window period. If you want to enjoy the enhanced odds then you have to place your bets during the brief time period specified. The big competitions like the Champions League and European Championship commonly targeted for price promises offers by bookmakers.

Enhanced Odds Coupons

Bookmakers will offer accumulators whose prices have been enhanced in order to encourage customers to bet on them. The bookmaker will select several sports events and combine them into a multibet then offer odds boost much higher than the normal combined odds of the events selected. If you love betting on accumulators then you can take advantage of such offers.

How to Use Odds Boost

If you are going to bet on odds boost offers, there are certain things you need to keep in mind to help you maximize on your betting returns:

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